Are you faced with financial fear every month? Is debt running your life? Are you stressed out over the Wall Street meltdown? If you're ready to create a life of financial freedom, attend the January 10th Money Wi$e Women Conference -- a safe place to learn about money. The all-day conference features three keynote speakers and 12 breakout sessions taught by local professional experts. Keynote speakers are Marcia Brixey, author of The Money Therapist: A Woman's Guide to Creating a Healthy Financial Life; Farnoosh Torabi, author of You're So Money: Live Rich Even When You're Not and Vicki Robin, author of Your Life or Your Money.
Breakout session topics include retirement, investing, estate planning, debt reduction, organizing financial records, goal setting and teaching your kids about money.
For more info visit, email or call 360-204-0982.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on November 19, 2008