Our country would be a better place if we got big money out of politics - public funding of elections will make that happen.
Join Washington Clean Elections for a stimulating and informative panel discussion on how the connection between money and politics can be reformed to make politics more responsive to the voters. The panel will feature John Rauh, President of Americans for Campaign Reform, as well as Spokane area state legislators who support efforts to create a public financing system in Washington State.
Clean Elections - A Public Forum and Discussion
Panel Members:
John Rauh, President, Americans for Campaign Reform
Craig Salins, Executive Director, Washington Public Campaigns
Rep. Timm Ormsby, 3rd Legislative District
Sen. Chris Marr, 6th Legislative District
Doug Orr, Professor of Economics, Eastern Washington University
Panel Moderator: Stephanie Vigil, KHQ News Anchor
Fundraising reception begins at 5:30 PM - light refreshments provided
Suggested donation - $25 per person, $35 per couple
Please call us at (603) 227-0626 or send an e-mail message to spokane@just6dollars.org.
Public funding is already working in Arizona and Maine, and was recently passed by the Connecticut Legislature. As citizens we can complain about the corrosive influence of our election finance system, or we can do something about it. With your help, we can mobilize citizens across the country and put pressure on Congress to enact real reform.
Americans for Campaign Reform (ACR) is a non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to building a movement of citizens who support Public Funding of all federal elections, including Congress and the Presidency. ACR was founded by John Rauh, formerly CEO of Clopay Corporation and a candidate for the US Senate in New Hampshire. ACR has the support of four former Senators as Honorary National Co-Chairs, Bill Bradley (D-NJ), Bob Kerrey (D-NE), Warren Rudman (R-NH) and Alan Simpson (R-WY). In March of 2007, ACR joined in support of The Fair Elections Now Act, legislation introduced in the US Senate by Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL), and Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) that calls for public funding of Senate elections.
We hope to see you in Spokane on June 7th!
Official Website: http://just6dollars.org
Added by stempeck on May 22, 2007