99 Grove Street
San Francisco, California 94102


The Meaning of Hope
An MLK Reflection

Hope is the determined elevation of personal and collective development, morally and ethically; it is a continuous, active pursuit toward greater humanity and an uncompromising push toward ethical fulfillment. And, within this active pursuit one experiences achievement, reflects on its meaning, prepares for further action, and then acts.

For 24 years the Northern California Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Observance Committee has marched during its annual celebration in commitment to these ideals, as embodied in our Nation's Civil Rights tradition.

On November 5, 2008, America and the World awoke to a new realization: an achievement of years of Hope.

Therefore, during the 2009 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday events, we find no greater opportunity than to cease from marching in order to celebrate our collective achievement and reflect on its significance in order to prepare for what lies ahead as we return to action.

We encourage everyone to join the celebration on Monday, January 19, 2009, 10:45am – 4:00pm at Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco for an historic event on an historic day in an historic year...where we can all celebrate The Realization of Hope.

Northern California Martin Luther King Jr.
Birthday Observance Committee
Email: mlk2jkg@yahoo.com
Phone: (510) 562-3372

Official Website: http://www.norcalmlk.org/2009/celebration.html

Added by bayareabreedz7165 on January 4, 2009



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