11327 195th St
Mokena, Illinois 60448

MOMS Club of New Lenox, IL
Our local chapter supports mothers who stay-at home or work part-time in New Lenox, Mokena, Manhattan & Wilton Center. Come see what we are about at our monthly business meeting. We meet the second Tuesday of each month at 10 a.m. at the Mokena Public Library, 11327 W. 195th St., Mokena. Typically we’ll have a guest speaker and activities for the children. Event is free and all are (Moms & kids) welcome.

For additional information visit http://www.geocities.com/momsclubnewlenox or email momsclubnewlenox@yahoo.com

Ongoing on the second Tuesday of each Month
Mokena Public Library, 11327 W. 195th St., Mokena
Nicole 773-329-7195 or Mary 708-479-7499

Official Website: http://www.geocities.com/momsclubnewlenox

Added by nicolepag on January 3, 2009