The MOMS Club of Mansfield is hosting a Summer Open House on Friday, June 12th from 10:00a.m. to 12:00p.m. at Bicentennial Park in Lexington. Members will be available to answer questions about MOMS Club (, fingerprinting stations will be set up for your child(ren) in case of emergency and refreshments will be served.
The MOMS (Moms Offering Moms Support) Club is an international nonprofit support group for mothers who stay at home with their children, including those who work part time and have home-based businesses. The MOMS Club of Mansfield is open to mothers of any age children in the Mansfield, Lexington, Ashland, Ontario, Galion, Crestline, Shelby, Bellville, Butler and Lucas areas.
We have enriching activities for you and your children during the day, when you most need the support. We believe that having children around is a natural part of being a mother. It is a wonderful way to meet other at-home Moms who share your interests and concerns. We have meetings with speakers, discussion groups, organized activities and outings for mothers and their children, sponsor playgroups, babysitting coops and MOMS Night Out, as well as, perform uplifting service projects to help needy children in our communities.
Because the MOMS Club is a support group specifically for the mother-at-home, all meetings are held during the day and mothers may bring children to anything the club does.
If you would like to find out more about the MOMS Club of Mansfield or the Open House, please contact Veronica @ 419-405-2160, email
Added by momsclubmansfield on June 10, 2009