Los Angeles, California 90016

Los Angeles Movement Arts Presents:

Five choreographers of the Los Angeles Movement Arts present their Los Angeles premiere concert of MOMENTUM July 27th

LAMA will be presenting its debut concert, titled MOMENTUM, on July 27th, 2008 at the Nate Holden Performing Arts Center on the historical site of the Ebony Showcase Theatre. The performance will be a shared evening of works by the five choreographers of LAMA -- Jia Wu, Jim Tsou, Nguyen Nguyen, Mandarin Wu and Yicun Sun . With this debut concert, LAMA hopes to reward the audience with an experience of alluring physicality laden with theatrical poeticism. The concert will mark an exciting beginning for LAMA , creating relationships with local choreographers, and thus setting into motion what we hope to be the establishment of LAMA as a notable organization in the LA area, one that contributes to the cultivation, progression, and development of contemporary movement arts.

Los Angeles Movement Arts is co-founded by Jia Wu, Jim Tsou, Nguyen Nguyen, Mandarin Wu, and Yicun Sun, is a non-profit charitable organization whose mission is to offer the LA area a resident dance company that is recognizable by the community as a source of professional and innovative contemporary dance. LAMA seeks to expose the community to a diverse range of performances reflective of LAs vibrant culture and giving various independent choreographers the opportunity to create and showcase their work in a professional setting by pooling together the talent and resources of its collective.

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of itsmyseat.

Added by IMSEvents on July 1, 2008

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