Lower Sproul Plaza / Zellerbach Hall, Bancroft Way/Telegraph Ave.
Berkeley, California 94720-0001

Molecular Imaging In Vivo Gives Insights to Heart Failure Lecture | December 14 | 4-5 p.m. | LBNL, Bldg. 66 auditorium
Speaker/Performer: Grant Gullberg, Ph.D., Life Sciences Division Sponsor: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Life Sciences Division Seminar
RSVP info: UCB staff and students can use their UC ID card to obtain access to LBNL off-site shuttle buses and do not need to RSVP; Others, and those who plan to arrive by car, need to RSVP to arrange site-access. RSVP by December 13 by calling Ciccina at 510-486-6490, or by emailing Ciccina at fguagliardo@lbl.gov.
Event Contact: fguagliardo@lbl.gov, 510-486-6490

Official Website: http://events.berkeley.edu/index.php?event_ID=37656&date=2010-12-14&tab=all_events

Added by Upcoming Robot on March 6, 2011