Course Description: This day workshop will introduce participants to screening tools for tobacco use and dependence, and will address assessment of change readiness, diagnostic criteria of tobacco dependence, and withdrawal, and pharmacotherapy including nicotine replacement therapy and non-nicotine medications.
Target Population: Administrators, directors, clinical supervisors, counselors, prevention professionals, nurses, physicians, and support staff from chemical dependence service providers.
Suggested Prerequisite:Module 1--The Foundation.
Pre-registration: Required
OASAS Credit: 3.5 hours CASAC, CPP and CPS (Section 1)
Please register for Module 1, which will be offered after lunch in the same venue on the same day.Note: Continental breakfast will be provided free of charge. Lunch is on your own; the restaurant will be offering lunch at a fixed price. If you have any questions about the venue, please visit oneontadepot.com.Trainer: Chip Bomyea, CASAC-G, CPP-G20 years of experience in the addiction field2004 North Country CASAC of the YearOASAS Certified Trainer2006 IPDA Trainer Excellence Award
This will be held at the 3rd floor conference room-Marcy Building.
Trainer: Bill Bowman, CASAC, CPP
Executive Director, Alcohol & Substance Abuse
Council of Jefferson County
25 Years experience with substance abuse treatment
and prevention
20 Years experience as a Trainer/Consultant with
many organizations including OASAS, CADCA,
Organized by CNY Technical Assistance & Training Center
BRiDGES-Madison County
Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse operates the Central New York
Regional Technical
Assistance and Training Center
for the Tobacco-Free Addiction Services Project.
This project will help agencies meet the staff training requirement in the tobacco-free regulation.
BRiDGES is available to provide workshops at agencies within the 16-county OASAS Central Region upon request. Training is available through the one-hour, half-, and full-day sessions scheduled throughout CNY.
BRiDGES will be available through December 2009 to answer any questions, discuss challenges, or to help you develop written policies and practices. Contact us at any time.
Ticket Info: Free Registration, Free
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/301162786/upcoming