Artists were given a choice of one letter and one number that corresponded to a specific "Modern Myth"; one modern pop icon and one mythological figure. Modern Myths is a collaborative project consisting of 13 artists' vision of a modern pop icon and a mythical creature. 13 renowned artists were hand selected nationwide to choose randomly from 26 numbers corresponding to a pop icon, i.e. Howard Stern, Paris Hilton, and 26 letters corresponding to a mythical creature, i.e. Zeus, Frankenstein. Using popular and historical references, artists create a work of art, stylized in traditional mediums such as oil and acrylic paint that reflect the impermanence of secular trends and the even greater transitory nature of God & Goddess.
Michael Ryan
Bradley Platz
Jessica Hassler
Michael Endo
Sharif Abu-Hamdeh
Kentree Spears
Laura Ross-Paul
Daniel Papke
Gus Fink
S.S. Armstrong
Horia Boboia
Alphonzo Solorzano
Official Website:
Added by hoyden on May 1, 2007