The standard model in cosmology paints a breathtaking, vivid but fundamentally puzzling picture of the cosmos. It explains much, and well, but it also raises numerous questions about origins, the nature of matter and energy, quantum events, causality, cosmic inflation and processes of inference (for example, to the best explanation). We look carefully and clearly at a number of questions that have not been answered or not been answered convincingly, and indeed at a number of answers to fundamental questions: How did the universe come into being? How did life emerge? Why is much of the universe hidden from view (or unobserved and perhaps, unobservable)? Is it expanding, and if so, what is the meaning and significance of its expansion? What are its (and our) possible ends? Is there one universe or a multiverse? Join us in this fully illustrated day and find out! Details of this event may be subject to change. Please visit for more information or to register.
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Added by ccesydney on February 21, 2013