MobileUXCamp Seattle aims to bring together professionals, academics and enthusiasts to share the current state and future direction of mobile and mobile technologies.
MobileUXCamp Seattle is an unconference so it's all about you! Anyone can present a session. The timetable is determined collaboratively at the beginning of the day. Topics may include mobile user experience, mobile apps development, social mobility, mobile storytelling, mobile strategy and integration with other platforms, gaming, entrepreneurship just to name a few.
MobileUXCamp Seattle will be hosted at the University of Washington's beautiful and spacious Mary Gates Hall. We have six rooms and five time slots - that makes for 30 sessions of mobile goodness. So get ready to BYOT (bring your own topic)!
Use hashtag #MUXSEA
Who Should Attend:
Mobile developers
Mobile app entrepreneurs
UX designers
Usability experts
Information architects
Interaction designers
Art Directors
Graphical designers
or anyone just interested in Mobile and/or UX
Added by nickf on April 25, 2012