Mobile web surfing outpaces PC surfing in many areas of the world and is quickly becoming the dominant platform in many markets. The United States, it is estimated, is between 1 1/2 to 2 years behind Japan, where 40% of the adult population surf the mobile internet. Many studies have shown that Americans are more than ready for the mobile internet, but the experience is too difficult for the average user, websites are poorly designed for interaction and there are security concerns for commercial transactions.
The Mobile Web Americas conference and expo will bring together industry professionals from around the world to discuss how to improve and capitalize on the mobile web. Tackling issues like one web vs. .mobi, age verification/child protection, web design, maximizing mobile retail and commercial opportunities, overcoming security issues, monetizing infotainment services, billing for services, carrier content guidelines, handset technologies and much, much more.
Who should attend:
Web Designers and Developers
Software Programmers/ Developers
Age Verification/ Access Control Companies
Online Retailers
Media Outlets
Search Engines
Mobile Operators
Government Agencies
Service Providers
Internet Marketers
Information Providers
Entertainment Companies and Content Providers
Investment & Commercial Banking
Venture Capitalist
Hosting Providers
Advertising Agencies
User Interface Architects
Brand Managers
Location Based Services
Billing and Payment Companies
Internet Security Providers
Business, Market, and Technology Analysts
Virtually anyone who wants to take their website mobile
Official Website:
Added by MWA on February 15, 2007