We're exploring the future of the web and riding bikes at Webvisions 2009 in Portland Oregon. We'll urban ride, party at a local pub, and then put the "blog" in blogtastic at the conference.
Urban Ride
We’ll meet at the Oregon Convention Center main entrance at 6PM and ride to Ron Toms for beers, schwag, and giveaways.
Route is around Portland. Check back for more details and map.
Official Website: http://bikehugger.com/mobile-socials/webvisions2009/
Added by Bike Hugger on March 24, 2009
Would love to make it, but tweaked my back last night. Have a fun ride!
Sorry to hear that -- come on over to Rontoms.
Bike Hugger
Update: We're giving away a Breezer Uptown 8 during the Mobile Social.