C/ Palau de la Música, 4-6
Barcelona, Catalonia 08003

The 20 finalists who will compete for the Mobile Peer Awards during Mobile World Congress on February 16 in Barcelona have been announced at http://mobilepeerawards.com/

There's also a keynote by Anssi Vanjoki, Executive Vice President & General Manager, Markets at Nokia and Member of the Nokia Group Executive Board

International industry expert jury including:

* Russell Buckley, AdMob Inc. Vice President, Global Alliances
* Laure de Saint Denis, Senior Vice-President, Marketing at France Telecom / Orange Group
* Matthaus Krzykowski, mobile correspondent, VentureBeat
* Roberto Bonanzinga, Partner at Balderton Capital
* Alejandro Romero, Director Partnerships Yahoo!
* Peggy Anne Salz, Chief Analyst and Founder of MSearchGroove
* James Whatley, Social and Digital Specialist at Spinvox / contributor to Mobile Industry Review
* Carlos Domingo, Director of Internet and Multimedia, Telefonica R&D
* Ariel Efrati, VP - Head of Amdocs Venture Investments
* Claude Florin, Marketing Manager, Applications / Communications and Media Solutions of Hewlett-Packard Company

The whole event moderated and animated by MC host Bena Roberts from GoMoNews and with a MobileMonday networking cocktail to close the event.

If you’d like to attend, please be sure to RSVP here - https://www.amiando.com/mobilepeerawards

Official Website: http://mobilepeerawards.com

Added by rudydw on December 22, 2008



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