5300 Riata Park Court, Building 8
Austin, Texas 78727

Join us to learn about the current major Java initiatives being undertaken by the mobile and wireless industry. Stuart Marks and Gregg Sporar of Sun Microsystems, Inc. will cover the latest on the Java ME platform and the Mobile Service Architecture (MSA), the new standards that provide enhanced functionality and access to the new capabilities of mobile devices, as well as the new tools that provide a convenient environment for developers to develop applications. They will conclude with a brief description of Sun's Java ME open source projects and the new Mobile and Embedded Community.

Please RSVP. Go to http://mobilemondayaustin.org/

mailto:rsvp@austinwirelessalliance.org?subject=[MobileMonday Event RSVP] 19 March 2007 Java Technologies for Mobile Handsets with Sun Microsystems

Official Website: http://mobilemondayaustin.org/

Added by eortiz on March 8, 2007