2815 San Gabriel St.
Austin, Texas 78705

Austin Wireless Alliance Mobile Monday -

TOPIC: Mobility and Physical World Connections, Information Ubiquity and Near Field Communication (JSR 257)

Abstract: Everything around us is data. And it doesn't stop there. Everything around us is actionable. Imagine a world where we can interact with the objects around us, using your mobile handset. In this session Enrique will cover physical world interactions and information ubiquity, uses-cases and the related technologies, with emphasis on Near Field Communications (NFC) and the Java Connectionless Communication API (JSR 257).

Speaker: C. Enrique Ortiz, CTO at eZee inc.

Cost: Cost is free, zero, nada, but seating is limited, please RSVP.
R.S.V.P. Please RSVP by sending an email to rsvp@austinwirelessalliance.org with body indicating the MobileMonday Austin February 11th event.

Official Website: http://www.austinwirelessalliance.org/

Added by riddle on February 5, 2008

Interested 3