2nd Floor, 85 Clerkenwell Road
London, England EC1R 5AR

Mobile marketing has now evolved beyond a simple text message, so we’ll be using best practice examples and hands-on exercises to help you get to grips with this emerging medium.

This course tells you about mobile marketing, from SMS to sponsorship, mobile games to mobile blogging, and WAP advertising to mobile TV and everything in between.

This course is suitable for any marketers at all. It is particularly useful for those involved in Sales promotion, direct marketing, digital marketing, advertising and PR.

What you need to know beforehand
No prior knowledge is required for this course although a basic understanding of marketing is useful. This is not a technology course.

The course is practical with lots of time for questions, demonstrations and exercises. You will be involved in planning a mobile marketing campaign covering all the key points of the course.
• What is mobile marketing?
• History and background to the mobile phenomenon
• Current statistics of usage by handset and type of content
• A glimpse into the future – what’s happening next in mobile?
• The tools for planning and running a mobile marketing campaign
• Integrating mobile with other media (on and off-offline) – where and how does it fit?
• Testing and measurement
• Handling and fulfilment
• Choosing a supplier
• Case studies and real examples of innovative (and not so innovative) campaigns
• Effects of following best practice

Official Website: http://www.e-consultancy.com/knowledge/events/1542/mobile-marketing--london-seminar.html

Added by e_consultancy on March 18, 2008

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