Building 1, 1065 La Avenida St.,
Mountain View, California 94043

In conjunction with MEF Americas, the Telecom Council announces this quarter's Mobile Forum Meeting: Mobile Entertainment...

Now that the mobile consumer has arrived, the pressure is on content creators, aggregators and distributors to deliver a business model that works. Mobile Entertainment, a "promising" market for years, has traditionally failed to deliver. We've been hearing about the upcoming explosion of mobile video for half a decade, but the unicast/capacity and broadcast/control paradoxes have prevented success. Mobile music hasn't taken off due to carrier control, rights issues, high prices, and bandwidth constraints. Mobile gaming hit a plateau and has had trouble penetrating beyond the early adopters.

Yet despite the track record, at this juncture, it seems Mobile Entertainment finally has the foundation needed to truly advance: Powerful handsets, better UI, faster networks with more capacity, and the related growth of online web media all create the perfect storm for mobile delivery of media. Certain devices and consumer segments have demonstrated a nascent demand for entertainment devices, applications, and content.

In this meeting, we will look at the future of mobile entertainment, examine the likely business models, and discuss the ever-relevant issues of open, ownership, dumb pipes, and control. We will challenge our speakers and participants to prove to us why now is the time for mobile entertainment, and where the opportunities can be found.

This meeting is free to Council members, and $200 for non-members. Please contact for more information on the benefits of being a Telecom Council member.

Free for Council members, $200 for non-members.

Official Website:

Added by FullCalendar on June 23, 2009