Mobile Dev Camp is a one day event devoted to developing mobile applications on the latest mobile platforms such as iPhone, Android and Symbian. The day starts with talks, while the afternoon is reserved for building applications in a hackathon, and it is planed to run an un-conference session in parallel (for those that want to hold workshops, or just talk instead of code)
Saturday Febuary 21st 09:30 to 18:00
Who Should Come?
Since the weekend is all about development, we want developers, developers, developers! Experience on any of the platforms isn’t necessary, as the hackathon in the afternoon should help you get going. If you’re an old mobile hand, we hope you’ll come to share your knowledge and demo your apps. Of course, you can still get a lot out of the event if you’re not a developer. So if you’re interested in the future of mobile applications come on out. Finally, we encourage you to come even if you’re not based in Helsinki.
Signup at http://mobiledevcamp.fi/participate/
Added by multimodal on February 8, 2009