What is MOBICON?
MOBICON is a not-for-profit organization 501(c)(4) which consists of a Board of Directors and Governors who freely volunteer their time to put on an annual three-day convention for fantasy, science fiction, horror, comic book, anime, and gaming fans.
When Is It?
MOBICON, a three-day event, will be held May 14-16, 2010.
MOBICON is held in the great port city of Mobile, Alabama at the lovely Ashbury Hotel & Suites. For directions or more information about room rates, please see our Hotel page. Membership Pre-Registration is $35 until May 1, 2010 and thereafter the $40 at-the-door rate will be instituted. Group, Senior, Child and Military rates available. Please contact Registration for more information.
* Constitution
* By-Laws
* Standing Rules
For more information and all prices and discounts, visit our Registration page.
Our thirteenth annual convention will be held May 14-16, 2010 at the Ashbury Hotel and Suites in the beautiful port city of Mobile, Alabama
Official Website: http://www.mobicon.org/register.php
Added by shadz.rm on April 9, 2010