Saturday, August 14, 2010- The Mixing Pot. Join us! - Last year there were hundreds of people in attendance and EVERY local news station covered the event. FREE event open tothe public at Rosa ParksCircle. Breakfast served by elected officials, Kids alley and eco friendly Butterfly release, followed by live bands and entertainment bands and acts- Brian Vanderark of Verve Pipe will preform. The evening ends with fire bands! Events starts at 10:am
Win gift certificates or promotional items, Volunteers still need too- Enjoy entertainment while you serve the community and enjoy free snacks,food, beverages and an event t-shirt, all postions available in increments of 3 hours. (longer if you like) Set up-7:30-10am 11-2p 2-5p 5-8 & 9-11p tear down Volunteers call 616.813.9397
Added by itisgrp on August 9, 2010