9:00 PM
Mixed Greens
Catch a hearty salad of up-and-coming improv teams in one hilarious night! (Since this is a variety show, when purchasing online please ensure that you pick the correct performance date.)
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One of the hottest young improv teams in the city, featuring SJ Chapman, Tom Dimenna, Jill MacLean, Yang Miller, Drew Pisarra, Kathryn Reynolds, Julie Ann Simeone, and Karla Strahl.
Street Meat
In order to match demand for our smiling faces and plucky spirit, we will be distributing cerebral meals full of succulent punch lines and pickled premises at the PIT for an hour of sketch/improv that will play with your guts and stick in your teeth. Street Meat is Freaking Dangerously Adorable Long-Form Improv comedy by Kristina Sepulveda, Greg Flick, Amy Cermele, Kristy Kershaw, Billy Ryan, Jamie Littlejohn, Mark Pagan, Alan Cross, and Stefan Schick. Directed by Kevin Hines.
Added by The PIT on July 30, 2005