Everyone needs friends, but singles frequently do not know where to go to find other singles for friendship. Amy Owens would like to see singles meet new people and make more friends.
Owens, author, counselor and avid networker, loves to share the secrets of successful networking with others. This is at the heart of a program for single men and women entitled Meet, Mingle and Munch: A Networking Workshop for Singles. The workshop will be offered from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, January 27th at the Pendleton Community Library, 595 East Water Street.
This free workshop is not a repeat of the highly successful networking workshop presented by Amy at the library last year. Participants of the earlier workshop are encouraged to attend and bring a friend.
RSVP's are appreciated. Call the library at (765) 778-7527 or email ashannon@pendleton.lib.in.us to reserve your place.
We start at 2:00 p.m. and end at 4:00 p.m. Afterwards, we will go to Tony G's Restaurant in downtown Pendleton to munch together. The program will be facilitated by Amy Owens, MSW and author and former columnist for the Indianapolis Star. I will send a press release out with more info closer to the 27th.
Other programs the Pendleton Community Library will be sponsoring in 2007 are:
Thank you for attending at least one adult program at the Pendleton Community Library in 2006. More than 1,100 adults attended our programs this year!
Some programs planned for 2007 include:
The Feisty Kid from Pendleton: The Life and Times of Keith Bulen on Jan. 13th
Mix, Mingle & Munch (for Singles) on Jan. 27th
A Chocolate Festival on Feb. 10th
Healthy Living Festival on Feb. 24th.
How to Take Good Photographs on March 10th
Hostas: Shady Ladies in your Garden on March 24th
If you would like more information about any of these programs, please call or email me.
Our first program for 2007 is scheduled for Jan. 13th. In the meantime, have a wonderful and safe holiday season!
Official Website: http://www.pendleton.lib.in.us/
Added by Pendleton-Gazette on December 18, 2006