180 Berkeley Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02116

We pack the Back Bay Events Center with great companies who are looking for the best entry-level talent to fill interactive marketing positions within their organizations.

Exhibitors include publishers such as Boston.com and local advertising agencies like Carat, Digitas, Arnold, Media Contacts, Mullen and One to One Interactive.

- Speak with agencies, online publishers, marketers and technology providers about potential internship and entry level positions.
- Hear from real life professionals about their jobs.
- Take advantage of complimentary resume review.

If you have any questions please contact MITX at info@mitx.org or 617 871 2155.

Official Website: http://mitx.org/main.cfm?sec_id=13&guid=3095f62a-88e0-42bc-b193-8d185c245f33&ART=305

Added by MITX Jaime on February 27, 2008

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