A benefit for 826michigan
Act Three: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 10:30 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.
@ The Elbow Room, 6 S. Washington, Ypsilanti, MI
"Charlie Slick is a fucking machine and he means serious business. He shows up and it’s like 'Alright you monkeys. I’m gonna play some songs and you’re going to dance. And even if you think you’re not going to dance, I will fucking make you dance. And I will throw glitter on you and blow bubbles at you and you’re going to eat this shit up because I am awesome.' And he does and we do and he is and then I black out and wake up at 3pm on Sunday with a pounding headache and glitter in my hair." -WEB VOMIT
"The greatest thing I’ve seen in a while. Part of me wants to keep this secret to myself, but the other part of me wants this band added to every bill in the city." -WEB VOMIT
"Rendezvous with Chabot feel like lassoing a tornado, with feelings of nostalgia for a lost friendship that's only just begun … because in my imagination of a world that makes sense, Randy will be gone very soon, launched into that mystic, untold world of The Big Time. And it's crazy to live by absolutes, but I'll finally decide, for certain, that there's absolutely no justice in this world if he stays in Hamtramck bars." -REAL DETROIT WEEKLY
"The Mighty Narwhale is like seeing an explosion of fun. No, really. The seven-piece band’s manic energy is infectious, spilling into the crowd and even causing Damon, the Elbow Room’s awesome soundman, to demand that they continue playing. They’re that much fun." -SEMI-LIVE!
5th: CHRIS BATHGATE (now with sprawling party band!)
"Such a melancholy treasure, from the big wave of My Bloody Valentine-loving guitars . . . to the mariachi horns and buzzing chamber strings." -HARP MAGAZINE
with DJ WILL YATES (The Pop Project, Zoos of Berlin)
"Midway through our digital exchange he asks, 'are you going to add proper capitalization to this interview? i usually use it, just not on AIM..'
I like people who are serious, but not too serious.. seriously." -FIVETHREEDIALTONE.
Official Website: http://www.826michigan.org
Added by brandonz on November 24, 2007