600 University St., First level
Seattle, Washington 98101

Creating the right buzz in the marketplace around your new venture is essential to attract additional investment, customers, partners, and talent, but it doesn’t have to break the bank. Come meet Seattle’s tech media and learn the tricks of the news trade during an insightful moderated panel discussion featuring John Cook of GeekWire, Brier Dudley of the Seattle Times, Leslie Helm of Seattle Business Magazine, Curt Woodward of Xconomy and Mike Davidson of msnbc.com and NewsVine. Attendees will learn about what makes a newsworthy story, who to pitch and developing relationships with reporters, and the latest trends and resources in tech news reporting. Register online at http://bit.ly/nlsmd8 .

Organization presenting the event
MIT Enterprise Forum of the Northwest

Event date
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Event time
5:30 pm – 8:00 pm (doors open at 5:30 pm for networking, panel discussion starts at 6:00)

Event location
One Union Square Boardroom
600 University Street, First level (Lower lobby, 6th Avenue level, behind the escalator)
Google maps: http://bit.ly/oneunion

Who should attend
Entrepreneurs, business people, PR/marketing professionals, executives and students

Keywords / tags
MIT Enterprise Forum, MITEF NW, startup, start-up, PR, press, buzz, media relations, entrepreneur, John Cook, GeekWire, Brier Dudley, Seattle Times, Leslie Helm, Seattle Business Magazine, Curt Woodward, Xconomy, Mike Davidson, NewsVine

Ticket price

Contact info
Cindy Pennington, (425) 280-1968, admin@mitwa.org
Website / registration / more information: http://bit.ly/nlsmd8

Added by MITEF NW Marketing on September 25, 2011

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