In going digital, healthcare systems are focusing on the home front. Interactive, connected technologies will speed the delivery of information, treatments and care to patients-- allowing us to play a critical role in our own healthcare within the confines of our home. Many believe Digital-based health care systems will not only assist patients, but also health care professionals, manufacturers, vendors, and caregivers, in meeting the challenges imposed by our rapidly aging population.
Boomer aging in world societies--like Japan, Europe and the US-- is creating a large number of new market opportunities for companies creative enough to recognize the potential of "Smart" healthcare products. One of the most creative is Intel, who has put commitment into action in the Digital Health arena. Our key speaker from Intel's Health Systems Research Lab will discuss, and demonstrate some of the systems in the works.
Joining in the discussion will be our panel exploring:
* The ways we will be directing our home healthcare in the future.
* How Digital health devices will drive a unified front among care providers, manufacturers and patients in delivering "smart" solutions to healthcare.
* The identification of key sets of technologies needed to integrate healthcare solutions.
* Government and regulatory issues involved.
* Projected investment opportunities in this rapidly growing market.
$15.00 in advance, $20.00 walk-ins at the door.
Phone: 650-854-1146
Added by FullCalendar on February 14, 2006