2100 Scotia Plaza, 40 King Street West
toronto, Ontario

MIT Enterprise Forum of Toronto – Case Study Panel Discussion Presents:

Expanding Your Sales Internationally…Lessons Learned!

As technology companies try and grow their sales internationally, they come across a host of challenges:

* Should I sell direct or through partners?
* Should I hire a local senior sales leader or a foreign sales executive?
* Should we have offices in the various locales or use a virtual sales force?
* What combination of inside vs. outside salespeople should I use?
* How do we balance the constant “tension” between sales, sales expenses, and the broader issues of the company.

Join the MIT Enterprise Forum for an informative panel discussion from both the CEO, and Senior Sales Executive, of one of Canada’s fastest growing Technology firms.

Our presenters will be Steve Pollack (CEO) and Eric Courville (VP of Global Alliances) of PlateSpin.

Each of our speakers will give his perspective on what’s worked, what hasn’t, why he made his decisions at the time, and what he would do differently with the gift of hindsight. PlateSpin (www.platespin.com) is a software product company which literally rose from the ashes to sales of $20MM+ and a remarkable growth rate of 300% per annum.

Using the unique format of the Enterprise Forum we will have an expert panel digging into the decisions made, and trying to uncover additional information that will assist us all. Our panel will include Dan Matlow (CEO of Medworxx – www.medworxx.com) and Mark Ruddock (former CEO of Inea Corporation – now Cartesis - and presently Entrepreneur-in-Residence at Ventures West). Both of these executives have extensive experience in the International marketplace. Group questions will follow.

The Toronto Chapter of the MIT Enterprise Forum is one of 24 worldwide. We invite participation from alumni of any institution. You do not need to be an MIT Grad or be invited by one. We are a not-for-profit organization designed to be a forum and networking event for technology entrepreneurs, investors and service providers.

Register today at: https://alum.mit.edu/smarTrans/user/Register.dyn?eventID=10178&groupID=921

*** THEN HIT THE BUTTON “Nonalumni registration” to get to the sign-up page.

Date and Time:

Wednesday February 21, 2007

5:30 - 6:30 Networking with light food and refreshments

6:30 - 8:00 Presentation - moderated by Michael Fox - Brightlights mfox@brightlightsinc.com

Location: Cassels Brock, 2100 Scotia Plaza, 40 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario

Official Website: https://alum.mit.edu/smarTrans/user/Register.dyn?eventID=10178&groupID=921+

Added by thomas.purves on February 21, 2007