We are looking for volunteers to help with the 12th annual Mission Creek Music and Arts Festival (www.mcmf.org), which is from July 16th through the 20th. The purpose of our festival is to promote local musicians, artists, performers, and filmmakers. If you're interested to help, please come to an informational meeting this Saturday, June 28th, 2 P.M. at Climate Theater (285 9th Street at Folsom, in San Francisco).
This will be the first of 2 meetings before the festival, the other will be in early July. You must attend one of these meetings in order to volunteer. Please come and find out what you can do to help, sign up for spots at the festival. Contact us at MissionCreekMusic@gmail.com.
We have positions available in general administration, PR, programming & sponsorship. If you have experience in these areas, or would like to gain experience, this is a great opportunity. Skills needed for these positions include eagerness to make connections in the local arts communities, ability to work independently, ability to work efficiently under stress, organization, and a sense of humor.
Publicity & Marketing:
* Distribute publicity materials and compile press clips
* Prepare appropriate images for publicity, press contacts, and outreach materials
* Help soliciting local businesses so that the primary team can go after the heavy hitters.
* Recording/editing schedule on website throughout the programming process so that there is an online reference
* Assist with contacting bands/keeping contact info current
* Assist with mailing out the break down, line up, load-in times, and venue info for bands when schedules are solidified
* Assist with paying out bands after conclusion of festival
* Research potential bands and talent
General Administration:
* Taking notes during weekly meetings and distributing them to the rest of the crew
* Flyering (see guidelines: http://www.sfgov.org/site/uploadedfiles/sfdpw/bsm/signage_code.pdf )
* Deliver and pick up design work (posters, cards, etc) and other ad hoc jobs
During the Festival
* Assist with logistics of out-of-town bands
* Compose itinerary for out-of-town/larger acts
* Work various shows throughout festival: function as MCMF liaison to venue, set up and man merchandise table
* Photograph performances during festival
* Film performances during festival
Again we can be contacted at MissionCreekMusic@gmail.com but you should come to the informational meeting at Climate Theater (285 9th Street) on Saturday, June 28th, at 2 P.M.
Official Website: http://www.mcmf.org
Added by DanielCG on June 25, 2008