April 14-15, 12pm-6pm; Preview party April 12, 6pm-9pm, at Workspace Ltd (2150 Folsom).
Mission Artists United Spring Open Studios. April 14 & 15 12pm-6pm. Preview party April 12 6pm-9pm at Workspace Ltd (2150 Folsom)
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - Something new and exciting is happening in the Mission District. Never before has the public been given the opportunity to see the finest examples of work by so many Mission artists in one place, and enjoy a terrific party at the same time!
This year, for the first time, the Spring Open Studios weekend event (April 14-15) will begin with a party and special show of the best artwork from the hundreds of artists who work in the Mission District. The show will open on Thursday, April 12, from 6pm to 9pm, at the expansive gallery at Workspace, Ltd. There, members of the public will enjoy good wine, upbeat music and a taste of the hip local art scene while they decide which studios they want to visit.
"It's the perfect place to start a tour of artists' studios," said Jon Rogers, co-founder of Mission Artists United (MAU), the group organizing the event. "We asked influential gallery owners to choose the work that best shows the vibrancy of the Mission arts scene. The gallery at Workspace is large enough to let us put on a really impressive display."
MAU has grown to include more than 500 artists, nearly all of whom have studios within a 6-square block radius. Follow red dots on the sidewalk that connect 1890 Bryant Street Studios (1890 Bryant Street @ Mariposa), ActivSpace (3150 18th Street), The Blue Studio (2111 Mission Street), Developing Environments (540 Alabama Street), Project Artaud (499 Alabama) and Workspace Limited (2150 Folsom).
"It's a cool, voyeuristic thing to go inside people's studios and see how all this is done," said photographer and MAU co-founder Trish Tunney. "When we started Mission Artists United, I was amazed to discover how many great artists are working so close to me."
Website for Mission Artists United: http://www.missionartistsunited.org/
Official Website: http://www.missionartistsunited.org/
Added by FullCalendar on March 15, 2012