On Thursday, October 20 MINTYFRESH will debut a new comedy series, "Coming Out: The Lighter and More Amusing Side of Coming Out of the Closet." face This comedy show includes stories ranging from pretending to date the fat cheerleader to moms covered in theatrical blood.
The lineup includes comics and performers, Adam Sank, Tara Clancy, Mike Cotayo, Victory Scroggins, Paul Case and Matthew Star, hosted by comics and co-producers Shawn Hollenbach and Allen Warnock, and features an improved scene fueled by a coming out story shared by an audience member.
"Coming Out" will be at The Tank at Chashama on Thursday, Ocotber 8 at 8 PM. The Tank at Chashama is located 208 West 37th Street, near the 1, B/D/F/V, N/Q/R/W, or A/C/E trains to 34th Street. For more information go to www.thetanknyc.org. href Tickets are $5, no drink minimum.
MINTYFRESH has become a staple in the New York underground comedy world. All shows feature a tailored collection of up and coming comics. Each comic's unique style and individual voice lends itself to a well-rounded and eclectic experience for the audience. Go to www.mintyfreshcomedy.com href for more information
Added by shawnhollenbach on October 6, 2005