Great Eastern Highway
Burswood, null WA

Based on our extensive research with senior-level mining procurement professionals from across Australia and the APAC region, we are building the conference program around the key strategies on how to achieve effective mining procurement and supply management:

- Improving supply chain planning and forecasting to adjust to fluctuating demands and resource prices
- Developing effective procurement and supply strategies for new projects coming online
- Refining internal procurement and supply processes to increase efficiencies and cost effectiveness
- Developing staff training programmes to regain lost knowledge and enhance soft skills of procurement staff
- Enhancing project procurement in order to meet technical, schedule and budget requirements in an isolated environment
- Dealing with logistic and transport challenges for remote mine sites in order to ensure supply all year round
- Building stronger long-term partnerships with suppliers to minimise impacts of a fluctuating market
- Focusing on the core business by realigning procurement processes with internal objectives
- Sourcing local versus overseas content
- Reviewing regulatory changes and how they will affect the APAC mining industry
- Preparing for increasing demand and growth from China and its impact on the Australian mining industry

Added by evvntBUZZ on February 12, 2013



this is great! added it to the shared community calendar at our Insider's Guide


dammit, have to fly back to sf for work before this. is there going to be any electro goodness earlier in the week or prior weekend?

Bit Shifter

crazywanda: big thanks for the assist, much appreciated.

unknown8bit: Nothing chipmusic-related that I'm aware of by way of musical performances (although I could easily be underinformed), but the SxSW Film Festival is featuring a chipmusic documentary called Reformat The Planet, with screenings on the 8th, 10th, and 13th. I've edited this event entry with links to info about those screenings, and the trailer can be seen at:


hey thanks for the info. i was already planning to see that doc after checking out the trailer a little bit ago (it was actually the catalyst for me going to sxswi in the first place!?) and my interactive badge gets me into the monday screening. i'm just bummed that i can't make the label showcase. hopefully something 8bp will percolate into the sf bay area sometime.


Congrats! Awesome to see 8bitpeoples representing at SXSW - unfortunately I'll be flying back to NYC for BarCampNYC3 before then.


Perhaps the highlight of my SXSW. Thanks!

Interested 1