Corbet Place
London, England E1 6NH

You think about creating the next, flickr, or Web 2.0 start up? You think London lacks opportunities to meet up and discuss those ideas?

We are still working on the programme, but after having 250 web entrepreneurs and geeks in room and O'Reilly joining the BBC as supporters I am sure we will have a great event.

If you want to present contact us at info at


For those who don't have time to attend a full BarCamp, some of us have come up with MiniBar, a chance to snaffle some free beer while discussing p2p, Creative Commons, web applications, social networking and general Web 2.0 mayhem & fandango.

After having 220+ of London's web crowd the 4th MiniBar will happen at the same venue on the 2nd of Marchy. For a review and some pictures of the 1st MiniBar see:

We also have an Open Call: If you do a cool web 2.0 (or maybe 3.0) project and look for input, ideas, help with development send us a line and you can present for 5 minutes.

The MiniBar concept:
It's fun, it's free and you don't have to bring a sleeping bag. Come to Corbet Place for an early Friday evening get together the at Truman Brewery (off Brick Lane, next to Spitalfields Market and Liverpool Street Station). There's a (normal sized) bar, a DJ, and some nice people to chat to. Who knows, you even might find out something you didn't know.

The meetings will happen at the same venue every month: Corbet Place in the Old Truman Brewery.

The meeting is organized by the people behind CreativeCommons England & Wales,, and

More details at

Official Website:

Added by hippie on November 27, 2006



Hey - I am the organizer
we are having more free beer this time
and we are having 70+ registrations
this is because people register via (
or via meet up
so we still have room for more people
And: we will have some really cool web 2.0 start ups presenting


Conflicts with the Imperial Entrepreneurs event :(


Hi all we are having now 100RSVP's, a camera team for creating a party clip and many more interesting projects pitching what they do (and some VC's). register soon pls


turns out the IE event starts at 10, so it's gonna be a fun filled night. I'm just going to laugh at Syed ;)


Is there still space? If so count me in please


I'd like to come too, please, and so would my girlfriend Gemma Roberts. Thanks!


Hi - something is broken about this - there are some people listed as registered who indeed registered for the previous event. however, we are having 100+ registered guests otherwise already. So pls email us at


Who is DJing?

Anthony Steele

The earliest I can get there is around 7:30. Is it still worth it then? And can I get directions to the venue - not so easy to find when there's no-one outside.


There's a reason that there's "something broken about this" - instead of creating a new event, the poster has just taken the previous event and changed the date.

Which is utterly annoying, because if you say that you are 'attending' or 'watching', you are automatically 'attending' or 'watching' the next one. It also means that you can't look for photostreams based on the upcoming name. You don't get any accuracy in attendance numbers if you just edit previous entries. So stop it! :)

It's been done before, and nobody likes it:

Anthony Steele

tom: I've added this problem to the list (


Excellent, StrawberryFrog - I've blogged your post. I'm thinking that it may be a good idea for people like myself and Nicole Simon and others who run popular European/London geek events groups to just start unlisting events that don't follow this principle.

Anthony Steele

The poster has just taken the previous event and changed the date again - this time to May 25. Don't do that. Delete this one, make a new one.


I'm now removing this event from my list, these edits are driving me nuts.

Anthony Steele

I have messaged the poster. If they don't fix it, it could be reported as abuse.


We've contacted the organizer. As you can tell, hippie was confused by recurring events and even asked us for help. This misunderstanding shouldn't happen again.


Until it's properly amened, this is a very inaccurate reflection of the attendees and watchers.


I want in on MiniBar6! I am the founder of a Miami, Florida (USA) based Start Up but I will be in London on that date. If there is still room, I would love to attend. I tried contecting you at your email but I couldn't. If you can write me at jon (at ) fashmatch (dot) com


In lline with the topic of this minibar check this page with ip location and geolocation resources
