after fighting through too much of partying, food and booze and not enough interweb fun MiniBar is back on January 25th with more partying, free booze, no food and lots of geeky fun.
And we are back with a refreshing mix of presentations:
- Microsoft StartUp Initiative
- Paul Birch (co-founder of Bebo) will launch its next generation social network (we don't know what it is yet, cause its running in mysterious stealth mode)
- and others
- If you want to present let us know at
What is MiniBar????
MiniBar is a social evening in East London which offers people a chance to snaffle some free beer while discussing p2p, Creative Commons, web applications, social networking and general Web 2.0 (3.0) mayhem & fandango.
Here you can find people who will help you making your next project work. The event is what we call 'useful fun'. Usually there are 200+ of London's - and beyond - finest web entrepreneurs, designers, programmers, tech journalists, bloggers, VC?s, and technology freaks.
What we offer:
- Web-Entrepreneurs can present their start-up and tech ideas
- Presentations will be archived at
- Some start ups will be featured on O'Reilly GMT, the European O'Reilly blog
And of course, Free Drinks, A Lot of Fun and many Useful People
If you want to present let us know
Your MiniBar Team
Supported by: London Westside, BBC Innovation, O'Reilly
Official Website:
Added by cahlert on January 13, 2008