Mindworks Hypnosis of Bellevue, Washington, is co-sponsoring a free public event: "World Hypnotism Day" to be held at the Bellevue Coast Hotel on Saturday, January 28th, 2012 from 8 am - 5 pm. In partnership with the NGHWA (National Guild of Hypnotists, Washington State Chapter), Connie and Michael Brannan of Mindworks Hypnosis and other highly respected local hypnotherapists will be presenting free lectures and experiential classes to the public on a variety of topics as part of the 8th Annual World Hypnotism Day. World Hypnotism Day is an international event promoting the truths and benefits of hypnotism. Learn more here: http://mindworkshypnosis.net/hypnotizer/?p=2267
Among the highlights: Michael Brannan, Licensed Trainer of NLP(TM), presents a talk on "Getting Past PTSD," and Connie Brannan, Neuro-Linguistic Hypnotherapist., presents "Quit Quitting--Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation." Other topics by local professionals demonstrate the role of hypnosis for weight loss, stress release, enhancing sports performance, and more. In addition to these events, there will be a free comedy hypnosis show. Join in the World Hypnotism Day events in Bellevue, WA--learn, have fun, and get hypnotized! There will be a complimentary continental breakfast.
Connie Brannan, CHt, & Licensed Trainer of NLP, managing partner of Mindworks Hypnosis, says: "We are so happy to be co-sponsors of this event. One of my personal goals is to bring the good word on hypnosis to a larger public awareness. Hypnosis is really amazingly successful, and if more people knew about it, REALLY knew, it would become much more mainstream for making healthy changes."
Mindworks Hypnosis is proud to co-sponsor World Hypnotism Day with the NGHWA, which is dedicated to the furtherance and understanding of hypnotism as a healing art.
Official Website: http://mindworkshypnosis.net/hypnotizer/?p=2267
Added by FullCalendar on January 22, 2012