5403 Monument Avenue
Richmond, Virginia 23226

To increase awareness about the organization and to educate about brain injury prevention, the BIAV is hosting Minds Matter Scrabble Tournaments throughout the commonwealth September 26 with two locations/times in Richmond.

“A brain injury can happen to anyone, at any time, in a split second and it takes years to recover or adapt to the life changes,” Rawlins said. “The Minds Matter tournaments will include a fun-filled day of Scrabble as well as open, educational forums for individuals to learn about brain injury prevention.”

All funds generated from Minds Matter will go to the BIAV and local support groups hosting the events. To register for one of the Minds Matter Scrabble Tournaments, call 877-422-4091 or e-mail MindsMatterScrabble@gmail.com. Registration confirmation will be mailed and/or e-mailed with directions and rules to all participants.

Added by RVANews on September 15, 2009

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