Be a trail blazer -- help the Citizens League build the right process to engage Minnesotans on how funds from the constitutional amendment for parks and trails should be spent, and weigh in with your opinion.
The Citizens League is working with the MN Department of Natural Resources to engage Minnesotans in the Parks and Trails Legacy Project, which will create a plan for how money from the constitutional amendment will be spent.
We'll be hitting the road starting in April to co-host 20+ public meetings throughout the state to gather Minnesotans' vision for the parks and trails. The design of this process is crucial to 1) engaging Minnesotans in a meaningful and effective way and 2) collecting the information needed to create a plan that truly reflects Minnesotans' vision for their parks and trails.
Drawing on the lessons of the Minnesota Anniversary Project, we've designed an innovative method for engaging Minnesotans on policy issues, using a combination of interactive response devices and facilitated discussion. We believe that a process that is engaging and collaborative will yield better results and lead to better policy.
Join us for this Mind Opener to learn more about the project, help us build this process, and weigh in with your priorities on how the constitutional funds should be spent.
-Admission: $5 for members; $10 for nonmembers
Macalester College, Weyerhauser Hall Board Room
62 Macalester Street, St. Paul
Added by tsuomela on March 23, 2010