If life hands you lemons, make lemonade! As part of Explore Singapore!, get inspired by celebrity actress Irene Ang of Phua Chu Kang fame, as she teaches you to embrace life. As an entrepreneur juggling multiple balls, Irene will share her experiences in overcoming life’s curveballs and succeeding despite all odds.
Fees: $15 per person inclusive of museum tour and refreshments
For tickets and enquiries, please visit www.exploresingapore.com.sg or call 6744 2673 (opens 9am to 7pm daily).
About Explore Singapore!
Explore Singapore! is an award-winning museum-going campaign championed by the National Heritage Board. It encourages members of the public to embark on fun and fascinating journeys to discover our colourful past, rich heritage, exciting art and vibrant cultures. Aimed at making heritage and museums accessible and enjoyable, Explore Singapore! features an eclectic and unique brew of enriching yet entertaining activities happening at our island’s museums and heritage attractions. For more information, please visit www.exploresingapore.com.sg.
Official Website: http://exploresingapore.com.sg
Added by Joelle Choo on November 13, 2008