370 St. Andrew Street E
Toronto, Ontario N1M 1R1

Friday 29th May
9.30am - 2.30pm
Mind-Body Integration
This workshop is suitable for beginners, intermediate, and more advanced practitioners of yoga. Even while eating, talking, or working, we are also practicing yoga. This workshop will include yogic movements, breathing exercises, and relaxation and meditation techniques.


Location and Bookings
VENUE: Awareness Yoga
ADDRESS: 370 St. Andrew Street E., Fergus Ontario, N1M 1R1 Canada
PHONE: +1 519 994 0403
EMAIL: jenn@awarenessyoga.ca
WEB: www.awarenessyoga.ca

Official Website: http://anahata-retreat.org.nz/wiki/tiki-read_event.php?articleId=236

Added by Anahata Yoga Retreat on April 21, 2009