A beautifully improbable acrobatic adventure
Rooted in a timeless and peculiar world, Until Now is a beautifully improbable acrobatic adventure, with a little magic and a few surprises. Directed by Leandre Ribera, of Leandre and Claire, a poetic universe is fashioned from joyful flips and harmonious balances with effortless and breathtaking elegance. Lyrical and fluid, a story unfolds with the lightest of touches to speak of journeys, good-byes and the astonishing feats of friendship.
Female trio mimbre creates unforgettable images and tell beautiful stories with their unique vocabulary of physical theatre, dance and world-class acrobatic performance. Whether in traditional theatre spaces, on the street, or in any number of less conventional arts settings, their strength and grace create a charmingly innocent visual poetry. A company of creative maturity with a marked lyrical and contemporary accent their mischievous humour, boundless energy and stunning physical skill allow mimbre to reclaim beauty in the most unlikely surroundings.
Added by labanonline on March 17, 2010