Over the past seven years the Summit has grown to become the premier interactive marketing event in the Midwest, attracting professionals from all disciplines of design, media, promotions, content development, product development, publishing, marketing, usability and experience design. If interactive marketing is part of your job, this is the place to be.
Keynote speakers are Rebecca Lieb, Editorial consultant and former Editor-in-Chief for the ClickZ Network, and Ze Frank, Online performance artist, humorist and composer.
Early Bird Pricing:
(now through Friday, September 12, 2008)
Students: $75
Conference: $295
Conference + Pre-Summit Reception: $340
Conference: $490
Conference + Pre-Summit Reception: $535
Corporate tables: $3,000
Regular Pricing:
(Saturday, September 12 - Friday, September 26, 2008)
Students: $85
Conference: $345
Conference + Pre-Summit Reception: $390
Conference: $540
Conference + Pre-Summit Reception: $585
Corporate tables: $3,500
Official Website: http://www.mimasummit.org
Added by Kary_Delaria on August 18, 2008