Our patron friendly evenings include an intermission with complimentary refreshments and snacks. Come enjoy the experience and support the highest caliber local orchestra program!
If you represent an organization such as a church group, retirement center, neighborhood association, school, or scout group, we can work with you to make the evening a special event. After you order your block of 12 or more tickets, we will contact you to secure your seats in a block to keep your group together. All other tickets are general admission and the doors open at 7:00 pm.
Tickets are available online at www.miltonorchestra.com without a convenience fee or other charges…just the cost of your ticket. Tickets will be mailed or delivered if time allows, otherwise they will be held at Will Call.
Listen to the Milton High School Orchestra at: http://www.youtube.com/miltonorchestra
About the Milton High School Orchestra
The Milton High School Orchestra includes accomplished musicians from the Atlanta Youth Symphony Orchestra, the Metro Youth Symphony Orchestra, Georgia All-State Orchestra, and Fulton County Honors Orchestra. Milton High School currently has three separate orchestras: the Chamber Orchestra, the Symphonia, and the Concert Orchestra. In the recent past, our orchestras have received Superior ratings from the LGPE Festival and the Chamber Orchestra received a Good rating as an invited performance group to the National Orchestra Festival in 2008 and has been one of just 18 invited performance groups at ASTA, the most prestigious string orchestra event for high schools in the United States. All orchestras are under the direction of Mr. Richard Bomba.
Added by debrasievert on September 14, 2010