1001 State Street #715
Erie, Pennsylvania

Million Doors for Peace Video: Click here: YouTube - million doors for peace
Million Doors for Peace - Print out a list of doors to knock: Click here: MillionDoorsForPeace.org
Join us in ERIE at 1001 State Street #715 9am!

Volunteer on September 20th, knock on 20+ of your neighbors doors, and ask them to sign a petition to bring the troops home from Iraq within a year, then let us know the results of your day of action!

On Saturday, Sept. 20, 25,000 volunteers from all 50 states will contact one million people and ask them to sign a petition urging the next Congress to bring U.S. troops home from Iraq within one year.

Join us in ERIE at 1001 State Street #715 9am!

Million Doors for Peace will be the year's largest anti-war mobilization. It is different from previous anti-war mobilizations because volunteers will be talking to people where they live instead of gathering in one place such as the National Mall in Washington, D.C. for a traditional protest.

Most Americans oppose the war in Iraq, but have never been directly invited to participate in an anti-war action. By engaging people where they live, neighbor-on-neighbor, Million Doors for Peace will elevate the debate over the war and its costs.

Million Doors for Peace will depend on a unique combination of grassroots organizing and netroots activism. Neither can succeed without the other.

Groups participating in Million Doors for Peace include Catholics United, Cities for Peace, CodePink, MoveOn.org, Pax Christi USA, Peace Action, Progressive Accountability, Progressive Democrats of America, United for Peace and Justice, USAction & TrueMajority.org, Voters for Peace and Win Without War. Combined, the coalition boasts a membership in the millions and hundreds of state and local affiliates.

Volunteers will visit a web site www.MillionDoorsforPeace.org and will download contact information. They may then walk neighborhood precincts and canvass people by themselves or in groups, or they may call individual households. Between calls and direct door-knocking, at least one million people will be contacted and asked to sign the petition. These names will be used to expand the existing database of war opponents.

Million Doors for Peace is entirely volunteer-initiated and will not rely upon professional canvassers. Volunteers will be able to receive canvass training materials from the web site.

To sign up, contact Penn Actions Richard McVay at 786.351.0303 or rmcvay@pennaction.org

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of EriePAGuy.

Added by EriePAGuy on September 19, 2008

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