Mikon Hall of Worlds [Edit event]
Mikon Hall of Worlds is computer controlled pseudo ecology non-existent urban archeology of inflatable sculpture, light sculpture, water sculpture, kinetic sculpture, real-time 3d projection, and real-time MIDI sounds. Parents, children, and infants welcome. MIKON is listed on the rhizome.org artbase, (http://rhizome.org/artbase/selection_criteria.rhiz) a juried online archive of new media art of 'potential historical significance.?
This month, Mikon Hall of Worlds is part of the Tribeca Open Artist Studio Tour, TOAST artwalk, http://www.toastartwalk.com. This is the debut of the City of Behemot, a miniature city that will be in upcoming Mikon installations as well as a set piece in Leviathan v. Behemoth, to be produced by IFAM in 2006/2007.
Company/Organization: IFAM, The Institute for Aesthetic Modulation
Collective: Unconscious, 279 Church St., New York, NY 10013
Official Website: http://www.ifam.net/mikon/
Added by hebdemnobad on April 19, 2006