NSSR Philosophy Thursday Night Workshop:Miguel Beistegui :Aesthetics after Metaphysics: From Mimesis to Metaphor
Thursday, September 29, 2011 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
"Aesthetics after Metaphysics: From Mimesis to Metaphor":
My talk will be extracted from a manuscript I just completed,the aim of which is to establish a structural analogy between 1.mimesis as the operation that metaphysical aesthetics ascribes to art – an operation that consists in bridging, or providing a transition or mediation between the polar opposites that define the space of metaphysics, that is, the sensible and the supersensible, and the series of terms and variations to which that founding distinction led, such as the sensible and the intelligible, the material and the ideal, nature and freedom, or nature and spirit; and 2. metaphor as an altogether different operation, which opens up an altogether different space (and time), one that metaphysics has consistently overlooked, and which unfolds outside the founding opposition, and the hierarchy, between the sensible and the supersensible – an opposition or distinction that, despite their critiques and radical reconfiguration of mimesis, continues to orient the Kantian, Hegelian or Adornian accounts of art. The other space in question I call – for lack of a better word – the hypersensible. By that, I mean the sensible freed from its systematic subordination to, and apprehension from the point of view of, the supersensible. Metaphor, I argue, is the artistic schema of the hypersensible. I show how the works of Proust, Hölderlin and Chillida exemplify this turn away from mimesis, and towards metaphor.
6 E 16 St Room D 1103
Free; no tickets or reservations required; seating is first-come first-served
Official Website: http://www.newschool.edu/NSSR/eventsList.aspx?id=69881&DeptFilter=NSSR+Philosophy
Added by NYC-Phil on September 5, 2011