Please join ASTD Midlands for
Learning Through Emotional Intelligence to Improve Performance
Presented by: Michael E. Frisina, Ph.D., M.A. Administrative Director - Tuomey Healthcare System
Overview: This workshop will expose participants to
the emotional experiential learning model. You will discover the link
among the triad of self-awareness, self-management, and empathy and the
art of handling other peoples emotions effectively to build authentic
relationships in the organization. To change and improve business
outcomes and performance measures of industry, people need to change
their fundamental thinking and behavior that drives individual
performance for organizational excellence. Discover why the key to
performance excellence is motivation not satisfaction: connecting
organizational values to behavior to drive outcomes; using neuroscience
data to connect values, thinking, and behavior to disengage from
ineffective habits and replace them with effective performance habits;
knocking down mental barriers that hold back high level performance.
8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. (8-8:30 a.m. is reserved for networking)
Midlands Technical College, Northeast Campus
Center of Excellence for Technology
151 Powell Rd. Columbia, SC 29203
Spread the word: Download Event Flyer
Midlands Technical College
Northeast Campus
Center of Excellence for Technology
151 Powell Rd.
Columbia, SC 29203
For meeting details and chapter news, visit our web site: www.astdmidlands.org
Organized by ASTD Midlands ChapterThe South Carolina Midlands Chapter of the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD)
Ticket Info: - Member, Free
- Non-Member with Guest Pass from Midlands Website, Free
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/257593469/upcoming