Mideast Mishegas, the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.
The San Francisco Gray Panthers General Membership meeting
Monday, September 17, 1 PM
Murdoch Room, Unitarian-Universalist Center,
1187 Franklin, nr. Geary Blvd, San Francisco
Video "Peace in the Middle East, What Bay Area People are Doing" with
* Joel Frangquist, Jewish Voice for Peace, and
* Joy Totah Hilden, co-leader of the East Bay Dialogue Group.
Also brief talks on
* how the occupation of Palestine is hurting Israel's citizens,
* how Arab-Jewish relations turned from peaceable to hostile in the early 1900s, and
* the current situation in Gaza.
Official Website: http://graypantherssf.igc.org/index.html
Added by mlyon01 on September 5, 2007