Fri, Feb 19th Middle Eastern Drum Rhythms for Everyone 6:30-8:30pm (one day workshop)
Taught by Lorelei. Ages 14 to Adult At the NAA 276 E. Main St, Newark DE $18/$20
Learn to recognize and play basic Middle Eastern rhythms. The class will teach basic rhythms such as Baladi, Chifitelli and Malfuf, which can be, used in drum circles as well as at Middle Eastern belly dance events. Students will practice with drums and other instruments, as well as clapping. We will also listen to some recorded music and pick out the rhythm used. Bring any percussion instrument, or a melody instrument you know well. No previous music training is needed. There will be printed information and some drums to borrow.
Contact the Newark Arts Alliance to register. We need 3 people to preregister to hold this event.
You can give them checks and credit card info.
Contact the NAA:
Phone: 302-266-7266
Official Website:
Added by Lorelei Dancer on January 12, 2010