5163 Fort Custer Drive
Augusta, Michigan

Mid-Union Sled Haulers, M.U.S.H for short, is an organization that was formed in 1980 by a group of mushers dedicated to dog sledding on an amateur basis and for the love of their dogs. Bill Raabe, of Battle Creek, Michigan, along with a handful of fellow drivers, scheduled a meeting at Bill’s house for interested drivers to discuss an amateur club of mushers. Notices of the meeting were distributed and over 30 people from Michigan, Ohio and Indiana attended the first meeting. The group decided to form an amateur sled dog club, which has come to be known as Mid-Union Sled Haulers. The club's first President and chief organizer Vic Rowell, Vice President Bill Raabe, Treasure Lillian Bowan and Secretary Matt Woudenberg were elected in August 1980.

For more information on the race please visit the webite listed below.

Official Website: http://midunionsledhaulers.com/

Added by battlecreekvisitors on January 7, 2010