2960 Shoreline Boulevard
Mountain View, California 94043

Mid Peninsula Chapter of the ACLU will have its annual Dinner meeting will be at Michael's Restaurant in Mountain View. All ACLU members are invited. The featured speaker will be:

Angie Junck
Staff Attorney, Immigrant Legal Resource Center
The Rights of Immigrants under our Constitution

Dinner is buffet style with a no-host bar. The price is $30 for ACLU members, but only $10 for students. RSVP with check to our P.O. Box or email us to say you are coming.

ACLU Mid Peninsula Chapter
P.O. Box 60825
Palo Alto, CA 94306

We will also have our annual election of board members at the meeting.

Official Website: http://www.aclu-midpen.org/index.html

Added by FullCalendar on October 19, 2011

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